Midnightsun Corporate MFA


  • Website take Username, Password and MFA token
  • Three bypass is serialised and send to User class
  • Sending an object reference which calls `correctValue`

Challenge description

The source for this corporate-zer trust multi factor login portal has been leaked! Figure ot how to defeat the super-secure one time code.

Initial analysis

We are provided with the source code. The application is a login page which takes username, password and an MFA token. There are two files index.php and User.php. The input is then serialised serialize((object)$_POST) and send to User class. Ananlysing the User.php, firstly username === 'D0loresH4ze' so we have to set the username the same, with the reference to Mr. Robot we find the password to be rasmuslerdorf. For the MFA check (int)$this->userData->mfa === $this->userData->_correctValue;

So we should create an object which will that will create MFA wrt correctValue. So the following code will generate the serialised value. `class User { public $username = "D0loresH4ze"; public $password = "rasmuslerdorf"; public mfa; publiccorrectValue; }

user = newUser(); user->mfa =& $user->_correctValue;

echo base64_encode(serialize($user));`

When we submit the serialised string, we bypass the three checks and the input gives us the flag midnight{395E160F-4D7A99EF-08E6799741B5}


FLAG: midnight{395E160F-4D7A99EF-08E6799741B5}

For further queries, please DM me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/gopika-subramanian.