Fword CTF Jailoo
- Input executed with eval
- Regex and blacklist restricts alphanumericals
- Php webshell with
chars gives flag
Challenge description
Get the flag in FLAG.PHP.
Initial analysis
if(preg_match_all('/^(\$|\(|\)|\_|\[|\]|\=|\;|\+|\"|\.)*$/', $cmd, $matches)){
echo "<div class=\"success\">Command executed !</div>"; eval($cmd);
The challenge page takes an input, after analysising the source code, we find the following: The input is executed with
function. The regex accepts only $(])_[=;+".
There was a similar challenge in a previous CTF making Php webshell without numbers and letters. Reference: https://www.programmersought.com/article/7881105401/
So the cooking of the webshell begins, although few obvious functions like file_get_contents where blacklisted -_-
One that worked was readfile('FLAG.PHP');
The command for the 20 letter string being
Giving the above string gave us the flag $flag="FwordCTF{Fr0m_3very_m0unta1ns1d3_l3t_fr33d0m_r1ng_MLK}";
FLAG: $flag="FwordCTF{Fr0m_3very_m0unta1ns1d3_l3t_fr33d0m_r1ng_MLK}";
For further queries, please DM me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/gopika-subramanian.